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Showing posts from July, 2019

11 Reasons Why Electric Cas Are Better Than Fossil Fuel Burners!

With the fact that the conventional car industry has been revolutionizing, people around the globe are keenly captivated in buying electric vehicles despite cheaper petrol and diesel sucking engine vehicles. Electric cars will take over conventional vehicles throughout the world. Here is why you should look no further in adopting the trend! Less to No Maintenance Since electric motors have few moving parts (20) as compared to their inefficient counterparts (up to 2000). ICEs also have air/fuel filters, engine oil,  coolant, spark plugs, exhaust system, starter motor,  fuel injector, radiator, and oxygen sensor. EVs do not have any such parts and it's much simpler. Batteries of an EV do not degrade that easily and have a high mileage warranty with most dealers. More research is underway to scale back production costs for long-lasting batteries. Lower Fuel Cost EV drivers have the advantage of significantly lower operational costs.  Their electricity to charge per