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Showing posts from February, 2020

How Hybrid Systems Can Make You Go Offgrid?

G oing off-grid is a word of mouth nowadays with thousands of homeowners installing solar panels or wind turbines or a combination of both(hybrid). Buying electricity from the power company is a talk of the past with people moving for cheaper and better alternatives. Here is why you must too follow them blindly: Saving On Bills! With the increase in electricity rates, people tend to avoid buying power from the national grid with a bit expensive but profitable up-front investment with low maintenance costs and low monthly rates. This can actually save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars per month. Depending on off-grid renewable energy can decrease your dependence on limited fossil fuels with inflating prices. No More Power Outages! Your off-grid investment will be more notable when there is a blizzard, freezing rains or high-speed winds. Power outages can be vexing since they hamper productivity and make living conditions irksome.  The off-grid system  equ